Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Story of the Legs

First of all, I would like to dedicate this post to my buddy Miss T of Chic Therapy. I'm promise to blog regularly now. Its all kind of new to me sha so I'm still familiarizing myself with everything.

So, the story of the legs. I have seen several people have me and my husband's legs as their bbm dp and it just makes me laugh because they really do not realize that those are legs of people closer than they know lol. Someone told me the picture was the epitome of intimacy and love and in my head, I was like "hmm, it was just a great concept of a photographer with a keen eye". Truth be told, we have that intimacy and live, but, at the time, we were really just posing. If two legs together could speak such depth, I wonder how much we can actually speak with our lives. It goes to show that we have the ability to build life with our lives and give hope.

My mission to make someone smile with my thoughts and uplift that one person with my experiences. I will write about my newly acquired title of 'Mrs', my new environment and the fun things I encounter from day to day and you bet I'll write about some fashion and beauty.

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