Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Pat yourself on the back...

Somewhere in the world at sometime, someone woke up and said, you should not bask in your accomplishment because it makes you appear narcissistic.
Ok so could be  when that's all you do or all you talk about...but I'm thinking about the normal person  or mum (as in my case).
Well, I want to state that it's okay to think about where you are in your life, think about what you've done thus far in your life's journey and give yourself a pat on the back. We all scold and beat ourselves up when we do stupid things so why can't we give ourselves praises when we do right.
I am definitely not the smartest of geniuses but I am a smart pick (I'll bet money on myself) and I tell myself that.
A friend of mine was talking a few days ago and she was reflecting on how long she had been out of college and she wasn't sure if she felt accomplished. I was shocked! How could she not feel accomplished? she is an awesome mom and wife and a pharmacist who got her PharmD despite several odds, two pregnancies and deliveries and taking care of two young children. I was proud for her.
This got me thinking about how we only celebrate our accomplishments in transient time and I just don't think it's fair to ourselves. I'm not saying be boastful and egocentric though.
The resolve, when I come home from work, cook dinner, feed my family, bathe the kids, clean up the house and all that, I will pat myself on the back and say well done momma you did good. :)

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