Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Life Lessons From My Toddler

It's  2:30am but I don't know this all I see is a little person in front of me shoving a sipping cup in my face. I flip the lid to expose the straw, she starts sipping and walks a way back to her room. Phew, that was easy ...errr wrong she comes back and the struggle begins she just didn't sleep again for two and half hours. Finally fell asleep close to 5:30am. Fast forward an hour it's time to get ready for the day, do you know this little machine is up smiling and singing.
Lesson one: You wake up means you are alive that's enough reason to smile and sing okay maybe not sing if it's not your thing, then dance, smile, rejoice because it's another opportunity to have a fulfilling experience, correct the mistakes of yesterday, touch someone's life...the list goes on. Waking up is just an awesome miracle and we should be celebrating it.
 “I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.” Psalm 3:5 NIV

My little lady is miss independent, she wants to brush her own 16 teeth, put on her shoes, pick out her outfit, feed herself. Needless to say I find myself arguing with her quite often...try reasoning with a 2 year old. I know I'm not alone on this. She will always try before she gives in to you. This got me thinking about lesson two
Lesson two: it won't hurt to try that thing that seems impossible you never know you might just get it on the first try. I hear it frequently said that the only person standing between you and your next level is YOU and it couldn't be truer. Many times I stand in my own way when all I really needed to do was try. 
“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 NIV

The princess and I
Although my two year old princess is very independent, she somehow understands the limits to her power and height. She knows just when to ask for help you hear her little voice say "hep me mummy hep me pease" yea her "l" is non existent :) she knows when she asks for my help, I will respond. You guessed it, the third point I gathered from living with my toddler is how to ask for help.
Lesson three: I don't know how it became that asking for help is a sign of weakness. There are times you try something new and realize "oh maybe I need a bit of help" then what do you do? If you are like me and most other women I know, you gnaw and gnaw knowing you need help but you're either  too prideful to ask or really don't know your limit. I can always and I'm ever ready to help friends and family but have such a hard time asking for their help. Watching my two year old, I'm learning to just do it. 
“May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion.” Psalm 20:2 NIV

I won't say these three lessons are new, as a matter of fact, I've known these for most of my adult life but watching them play out with a two year old is the reality check for me hope it does the same for you



  1. Thank you princess for the lessons! Aunty needs to put no 2 to good use ��

  2. hahaha! loveher!!! she is incredibly smart too...its so cool that in life everything ends up being a lesson....even cooler when we are sensitive enough to grab the points taught. thanks for sharing sis
