Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Trust in You

On God Speaking.
My three year old loves the song Trust in you by Lauren Diagle He loves to listen to it over and over again. I like it too but listening to it over and over has made me listen to every word. It's like God wanted me to hear it so He makes this 3 year old who can't read find it all by himself on YouTube and play it over and over. As if that wasn't enough, he asks me "mummy what is the girl singing about?" So now I'm telling him she is singing about trusting in Jesus...OK you explain trusting in Jesus to a 3year old
How do I tell this little boy that sometimes, God doesn't move those mountains we want Him to move or that He doesn't always part the sea so we can walk through or even speak when we are nagging for an answer... despite these, we still need to trust Him because we are still here standing, and because
He is way ahead of us. He has seen it all and He has a plan for us. Jer29:11
So I say to my precious 3 year old. She is singing that even when we feel sad and things don't go our way, we should remember that Jesus loves us, always is with us. and He only gives us what's best for us. So everything he hears the song playing he says "mummy, we will trust in Jesus?" And I say yes.
Have a beautiful day. Enjoy the song


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